Getting effective, error free, affordable healthcare is challenging.

Managing Your Doctor is here to help.

Getting effective, error free, affordable healthcare is challenging.

My goal is to help you step outside the traditional role of passive, unquestioning patient and show you how to take control of your (or your loved one’s) medical care.

Be assertive. Join the growing movement of medically emancipated patients who are not content to sit by when their health is at stake.

More About the Book

Recent Posts

Here you’ll find posts on various topics about healthcare and becoming an empowered patient

  • Pharmaceutical and Food Titans at War

    I see it as something of a battle of the Titans. The pharmaceutical industry coming up with glucagon-like-peptides (GLP-1 agonist) such as Ozempic, Wegovy and Trulicity. They stop people craving processed, addictive…

  • Corporate Greed Destroying Healthcare

    You may not have heard the story of Steward Health Care, but it epitomizes the growing trend of how healthcare is being treated as a commodity to invest in – to the…

  • Are Non-profit Hospitals Fulfilling Their Charitable Obligation?

    The recent Fredericksburg Planning commission hearing about Mary Washington Healthcare’s application for approval of a $10 million building project got me thinking about the expenditures of nonprofit hospitals, and do they give…

  • Those Nasty Pathologists of Old

    Talking to good friend and colleague, gastroenterologist Farrukh Jafri the other day, I got excited. We were talking about a dear friend of mine, and patient of his, who just had a…