Category Archives: In the News

How Scared Should We Be of Covid Variants?

We news consuming public are an impressionable lot and are easily scared. The media talking heads are good at winding us up – by talking about how COVID-19 mutations may be more virulent or more transmissible than the original, for example. It's All a Matter of Mathematics But, as with any medical issue, deciding how…
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Safety Considerations with COVID-19 Vaccination

In response to the nurse at the clinic I work at asking what to tell patients who are calling with concerns about getting vaccinated against COVID -19, I put this together. Safety Considerations with COVID-19 Vaccination Although the vaccine for COVID-19 has been produced in record time, it uses a technology that has been around…
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Trump Was Right About One Thing

There’s not many things I agree with Donald Trump about. But the vaccine being what will save us from the COVID pandemic is one. There is a catch, however. If enough people don’t get it, we won’t get herd immunity and it won’t save us. The Magic of Immunization I'm doing my bit. You need to do…
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COVID-19 And Masks: My “Yard Husband” Needs A Dope Slap.

I was talking to my good buddy from down the road who helps with a lot of yard work projects – who my wife, Paula, refers to as my “yard husband.” We were having a coffee at Dishman’s corner store, recovering from a grueling hour of work – laying down two slabs of slate to…
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