
Who’s going to pay for the poor and the sick?

You may be aware of the challenges taking place over the funding of the Moss Free Clinic. The clinic is running out of the money collected by a capital campaign managed by Mary Washington Hospital Foundation in 2004. It is also being hit with extra charges that formerly Mary Washington Health Care (MWHC) was paying…
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“Missionary Position” the title given to my writeup of exploits in Zimbabwe.

The early afternoon sun was blinding as we stepped out from the Medical, Dental and Allied Professions Council office in Zimbabwe’s capitol, Harare. My wife Robin and I were elated.  I was brandishing an elegantly calligraphed, temporary medical license. The last hurdle between me and my fantasies of being another Albert Schweitzer – and taking…
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Old Fart Companionship, and Super Aging

If you go to Eileen’s Bakery and Café at 10 am on a Friday morning, you will see a bunch of old farts, myself included, sitting around the table, shooting the breeze.  And helping to make us “Super-agers.”  A disparate group that includes retired college professors, civil servants, an ex-coastguard, a photographer and more. We…
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There’s More Important Issues Than Methadone Clinic Location

I am prompted to weigh in in on the reaction of the residents to the idea of Concerted Care Group wanting to repurpose a Dollar General store in the Woodlawn Shopping Center in Stafford and make it a methadone clinic.  We have read, here in the Free Lance-Star, of fraught meetings where concern has been…
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