
Electronic Medical Records – Made for Profit not for Doctors

I was talking to my sister on the phone the other day. I told her, “You know, even though I’ve been at it all these years, I still get a little spazzed out about going to see patients” – which I now do at the Moss Clinic. Then I thought about. I corrected myself. “You…
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Profitable Patents for the Drug Industry

If you don’t have rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease or some other nasty autoimmune or inflammatory illness, probably the fact that Humira is losing its patent won’t excite you very much – but if you’ve ever complained about how much your medicines cost, it should. What is exciting is that, finally, it is possible for…
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Am I a Curmudgeon Because I don’t want to Declare my Pronouns?

I’m worried that my curmudgeon is showing. That I’m being bad tempered and old fashioned because I’m having a bit of challenging being expected to tell people what pronouns I use. Declaring your pronouns seems to be the new expectation – or it is being encouraged at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg where I…
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Don’t Delay the Call to Hospice

Two recent conversations with friends and a meeting of the End of Life Conversations (EOLC) group that I co-host, has got me thinking about end-of-life issues, and preparations. And when to call hospice in particular. One conversation was with a friend whose 93 year old husband was in hospital with multiorgan failure and sepsis. She…
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