The guy I saw the other day was there with a twisted ankle. “So” he asked, “why did the nurse need to ask me about my blood pressure and if there’s diabetes in the family?” What's You're Blood Sugar? It didn’t have much to do with his ankle it’s true, but what he didn’t know…
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I’m Feeling Like A Patient
This was my latest monthly column in the Free Lance-Star on January 28th. The more heretical books I read about how clinical trials can be misleading, the more skeptical I get about being able to make a rational, informed decision about medical treatment/interventions. Despite my idyllic, relaxed retired life in the country, the old blood…
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Gene Discovery counters the Wimp Factor of Depression

People who suffer from depression often see it as a moral failing. A lack of chutzpa. A weakness - rather than a derangement of their biochemistry, like, say, diabetes or under-active thyroid. [caption id="attachment_1741" align="aligncenter" width="500"] A Discovery to Make You Feel Better About Yourself[/caption] My take is this unfortunate, and illogical view partially comes from…
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Staying Well Over the Holidays

Advice on what to do to protect yourself from getting sick for the holidays – but which applies to all times really.