I see it as something of a battle of the Titans. The pharmaceutical industry coming up with glucagon-like-peptides (GLP-1 agonist) such as Ozempic, Wegovy and Trulicity. They stop people craving processed, addictive foods and this seems to have put the food industry in a panic. A report by Tomas Weber on the New York Times…
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Poisons and Medicines – Not So Different
October 2019 The rather scrawny marijuana plant in the Poison Garden at Blarney Castle attracted a lot of attention – but this, and the other medicinal and intoxicant plants in the garden made the point that drugs and poisons aren’t so different. Paula Admires the Scrawny Marijuana Plant My wife Paula and I were on…
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Drug Company Development Costs – A Con.
The industry is supporting its price hikes with bogus numbers it would appear.
Exposing the Fallacy of Massive Drug Prices
This great article in The Atlantic magazine exposes the dishonesty and manipulations of the drug companies who claim they have to charge so much for their medicines. I hope a lot of politicians read it and then have the testicular fortitude to stand up to the Big Pharma lobby for the many sick and poor…
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