Tag Archives: COVID-19

Safety Considerations with COVID-19 Vaccination

In response to the nurse at the clinic I work at asking what to tell patients who are calling with concerns about getting vaccinated against COVID -19, I put this together. Safety Considerations with COVID-19 Vaccination Although the vaccine for COVID-19 has been produced in record time, it uses a technology that has been around…
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Trump Was Right About One Thing

There’s not many things I agree with Donald Trump about. But the vaccine being what will save us from the COVID pandemic is one. There is a catch, however. If enough people don’t get it, we won’t get herd immunity and it won’t save us. The Magic of Immunization I'm doing my bit. You need to do…
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COVID-19 And Masks: My “Yard Husband” Needs A Dope Slap.

I was talking to my good buddy from down the road who helps with a lot of yard work projects – who my wife, Paula, refers to as my “yard husband.” We were having a coffee at Dishman’s corner store, recovering from a grueling hour of work – laying down two slabs of slate to…
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Gladiators Nursing Corona

I took my life in my hands the other day - wanting to see how things are on the front lines of the COVID-19 epidemic.  Grace and I with our defensive gear To do this, I went and shadowed Grace Frye one of the nursing team on 2 South - the unit that has been…
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