Tag Archives: Drug Prices

The Morality and Insanity of Drug Prices

In my role as medical director of the Moss Clinic, I present a “mission moment” case. This because these honorable volunteers on the board are mostly from other industries, and this provides some understanding of the kinds of issues our patients bring us. This case was C.M., a 45 year old African American with Crohn’s…
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Exposing the Fallacy of Massive Drug Prices

This great article in The Atlantic magazine exposes the dishonesty and manipulations of the drug companies who claim they have to charge so much for their medicines. I hope a lot of politicians read it and then have the testicular fortitude to stand up to the Big Pharma lobby for the many sick and poor…
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Is it OK to Save Money by Using Generics?

If your goal is to keep medical expenses down, using generic medicines instead of name brand can make a huge difference. But are generics as good or as safe as name-brand drugs? [caption id="attachment_2303" align="alignnone" width="699"] Will they work? Are they safe?[/caption]   Today, about 88 percent of all scripts written are for generics, which…
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