Tag Archives: generics

First Law to Stop Drug Price Gouging

A short piece on the inside page of our local newspaper caught my attention.   “Judge: MD. Can Act Against Drug Price-gouging.” [caption id="attachment_2432" align="alignnone" width="912"] Ever more greenbacks[/caption]   A judge in Annapolis had refused the injunction of the Association for Accessible Medicines to block a law allowing the Attorney General of Maryland to…
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Is it OK to Save Money by Using Generics?

If your goal is to keep medical expenses down, using generic medicines instead of name brand can make a huge difference. But are generics as good or as safe as name-brand drugs? [caption id="attachment_2303" align="alignnone" width="699"] Will they work? Are they safe?[/caption]   Today, about 88 percent of all scripts written are for generics, which…
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