Tag Archives: heart disease

Heart Apps Causing App-rihension

My brother-in-law Olly, a Dutch ex-merchant mariner is a bit of a character. But also a bit of a hypochondriac.   [caption id="attachment_2562" align="alignnone" width="666"] The Picture of Health?[/caption]   When Paula and I went to England for Christmas , the whole family decamped to stay at Fingals Hotel, which describes itself as  an “eccentric,…
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How You Nurture Junior Affects Epigenetics and Heart Disease

New research shows how that factors like breast feeding and parental deprivation in an infant can manifest as illness in adulthood – and helps knock that idea that what happens to you is not so much what genes you inherit, as how they function. [caption id="attachment_2437" align="alignnone" width="1025"] It's Interesting How This . . .…
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