This great article in The Atlantic magazine exposes the dishonesty and manipulations of the drug companies who claim they have to charge so much for their medicines. I hope a lot of politicians read it and then have the testicular fortitude to stand up to the Big Pharma lobby for the many sick and poor…
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There are many influences that impact our health. Certainly poverty is associated with poor health – but it seems the shock of suddenly becoming impoverished is a health hazard of its own. [caption id="attachment_2539" align="alignnone" width="496"] Dropping Net Worth Will Crush You[/caption] Researchers at Northwest University looked at the finances and health of 9,000…
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The Medical Billing Discount That Isn’t
My friend Betty has a fantastic health insurance policy. The company saved her $15,107.98 on a bill of $17,892.55. Betty had a fairly minor operation at a local hospital. Sufficiently minor that the insurance company thought it was worth only a measly $2,784.57 – or that was their “allowable charge.” So they…
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First Law to Stop Drug Price Gouging
A short piece on the inside page of our local newspaper caught my attention. “Judge: MD. Can Act Against Drug Price-gouging.” [caption id="attachment_2432" align="alignnone" width="912"] Ever more greenbacks[/caption] A judge in Annapolis had refused the injunction of the Association for Accessible Medicines to block a law allowing the Attorney General of Maryland to…
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